Lovely's Local News

Lovely's local news reports on all local matters in Galesburg so you can stay informed.

October 1, 2018

Today's headline is a story by a local writer, click here to read it.

Today's weather is a chilly 55 degrees with some light wi rain. To get live updates any time of the da, click here.

Local Boyscout popcorn, pizza, and hotchocolate sales over three hours

Units Sold Day 1 Day 2
Pizza 84 67
Popcorn 60 52
3 conclusions from the data
  1. Both popcorn and pizza sales decreases from day 1 to day 2
  2. All items only sold for 2 days
  3. There was no hot chocolate sold

Lovely's Gallery

Realistic beating heart ancient heart artwork 3D clipart heart2D red clipart heart Diagram of a human heart

Lovely's crazy math challenge!

who ever can complete the math test with the higest score wins!

Daily math challenge

What is the answer to 6÷2?

5 1 6 3

What is the answer to √16?

2 8 4 1

What is the answer to 5°×9°?

45° 50° 20° 12°

If Johnny has two apples and Cade has five apples, then who has more apples? what is the total sum of their apples? Answer in paragraph form below.

A crazy color scheme

A local fan has recently sent us this image and asked for the three main colors on this bird

High definition picture of an exotic bird sitting on a branch
Red-headed Cardinal
Red White Black/very dark Blue
#e81212 #fff #16121c
rgb(232, 18, 18) rgb(255, 255, 255) rgb(22, 18, 28)
hsl(0, 86%, 49%) hsl(0, 0%, 100%) hsl(262, 23%, 9%)

Lovely's new all American diner!

Upon popular request we are opening a new diner, here are a few sneak peaks at the three menu:




A Busy Schedule!

Heres a bsy schedule one of our frequent readers sent in!

Time Activity Notes
7:00am Wake up & get ready Make sure to brush teeth
8:00am Leave for class Don't speed!
8:30am Class start Take notes
10:00am Lab Saftey first!
12:00am Lunch time Eat healthy
12:45am Run Speed workout
1:50pm Microeconomics Take notes
3:00pm Go home take a nap!

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If you would like to learn more about our developers click here!

A picture of pieces

Click hereto see a picture made of many combined pieces!