setting a transition time for a single property
transition: width 2s
changing the easing for a transition
transition-timing-function: linear
delaying a transition
transition-delay: 5s
making a keyframes animation with a start and end
@keyframes animation { from { opacity: 0 } to { opacity: 1 } }
making a keyframes animation with more than 2 keyframes
@keyframes animation { 0% { color: #000; } 25% { color: #aaa; } 100% { color: #fff } }
giving an animation to an element
.animated { animation-name: animation; animation-duration: 3s; }
making an element animate then smoothly go back in reverse
.animated { animation-name: animation; animation-duration: 2s; animation-iteration-count: 2; animation-direction: alternate; }
making an element keep its new properties after an animation is over
animation-fill-mode: forwards;