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Red Leather Membership Card Holder

You may join the IWW if you are:

  • A worker
    • Of any profession in any industry
    • Unless you are an employer
  • You agree to abide by the IWW Constitution and organization regulations
  • You agree to study and make yourself acquainted with the IWW's principles and purposes

Alternatively, visit the IWW's membership instructions online or contact a local branch here in Michigan:

Location Email Phone Web
Detroit PO Box 32236 detroit@iww.org (313) 437-3404 iwwdetroitgmb.net
Grand Rapids PO Box 6629 griww@iww.org (616) 881-5263 facebook.com/griww
Michiana (Berrien & Cass) michiana@iww.org (574) 245-0605 iww.org
Ypsilanti PO Box 981192 ypsilantigmb@gmail.com (734) 926-5497 iww.org